Kindness Rocks!

This week is Kindness Week at Beckley Elementary. Today, students can paint a kindness rock that will go in the school's rock garden.

The steps on the school's Facebook page are:

• Find a palm-sized, smooth rock
• Use acrylic paint, paint pens, or permanent markers
• Be creative! Your rock should promote kindness with a phrase, word, or an object that you associate with kindness/positivity! (look at the pictures for ideas)

Here's how we made our rocks:

First, we found our rocks and rinsed them off with water to get the extra dirt off. We let them dry out in the sun.

Then, we painted our rocks with a base color. We painted one side, let it dry a little bit, and then flipped it over and painted the other side. In this picture, I have started to add my design.

I used black paint to write the message on my rock and outline the shape of my heart. You could also use a Sharpie for this step. It's a little easier to control the lines with a Sharpie.

Next, I added a little polka dot design around the edge of my rock!

I painted a dump truck dropping off some hearts to represent kindness because my son loves cars and trucks!

My daughter painted a rock with a heart on it, too. We had lots of fun and plan to leave our rocks in a fun place for others to see!


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