Plate Face!

Today we have another fun activity in honor of Earth Day this week! We will be using everyday objects to make faces. You will be repurposing objects to turn them into art. When you are done with your art, you can put the object back and it can go back to doing its normal job, so nothing is wasted!

For this activity, you will need:

  • any solid colored plate
  • household objects for facial features
  • camera/phone with camera
Once you have your plate, search around your house for objects that might look like facial features. Think about the eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, ears, and hair. You could even add a silly hat or a bow tie...whatever you can add to be creative will make your face more unique!

You can stick to a theme, like candy...

Or you can just use a variety of random objects put together!

See if you can come up with a silly expression for your face.

After you have everything arranged on your plate, take a picture. Try a few different faces just for fun. I know you can get really creative with this!
